It’s About Jesus, Not Us
We are a church of many different individuals, with various backgrounds and gifts, yet called together by God to be one in ministry and mission.
Our Vision
Sharing God’s love in the world: Everyone. Everywhere. Every Day!

The values of Peace Lutheran’s people mirror those of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.
Forgive and reconcile - It comes from God to be freely given to others.
Dignity, compassion and justice - Inspired by the life of Jesus, love, respect and compassion are God-given rights for all people.
Inclusion and diversity - God’s creation is rich in differences and yet, uniform in common humanity. All are welcome, all belong, women, people of color, minority ethnic groups, people with disabilities, people who are marginalized or living in poverty, and the LGBTQ community.
Courage and openness to change - We are open to new ways and willing to take risks to discover God’s plan for each other and for this church.
Faithful stewardship of God’s creation and gifts - With amazing gifts comes responsibilities and accountability to God and each other to ensure great care is ingrained in all we do.
Peace Lutheran Staff
Pastor Chad Brown
I love church and its role in our lives and in the community. I love the music and art that come from faith communities, both old and new. And I have a deep passion to serve others, care for the earth, and to work for justice and peace. In the end we belong together as a faith community, becoming disciples of Christ, transforming to become more like Christ. So that’s why we worship, and live, and love, and proclaim the gospel; because Jesus is the light and life of the world and our lives.
Faith Formation Director Sherry Maakestad
I have a passion for walking with others on their Christ-journey and with the help of a Youth Assistant and many committed lay people, I design and manage our youth and education programs. I’m called to serve family ministries because of the great need to offer parents resources and support both in parenting and in raising children in homes where faith is nurtured.
Come and Visit
You’re invited to experience Peace and connect with God and the community.