Prayer Garden and Columbarium
Prayer Garden
Peace Lutheran Church recently installed a Prayer Garden and Columbarium. Located on the southwest section of the lawn, just outside the administrative wing of the building. The Prayer Garden and Columbarium complements the beauty of the church grounds, and offers a beautiful and quiet space to rest, pray, and honor those who have who have gone before us.
Selecting a final resting place for our loved ones is an important decision. It should be a place of remembrance and reflection. A peaceful setting that welcomes us to visit and honor our beloved departed with grace, compassion, and comfort.
How do I purchase a niche?
Presales of columbarium niches have begun and will continue through December 2022. Request a packet of information & policies from the Prayer Garden/Columbarium Committee or the church office. A Columbarium Agreement form is available in the packet. Each niche, holding up to two urns, costs $3,000. This cost includes a granite front plaque for engraving and opening/closing the niche for inurnment.
How is this ministry paid for?
The Prayer Garden and Columbarium are ENTIRELY SELF-FUNDED through the sale of niches and donations for landscaping. It is expected that funds in excess of construction costs may be generated by sales of niches. These funds will be used for the operation of the Columbarium and Prayer Garden landscaping and perpetual care. They will also be used for future Columbaria.
Who may use the Columbarium?
Inurnment is limited to the cremains of any current or past minister and member of Peace Lutheran Church as well as members of their immediate family. Any exceptions will be determined by the Prayer Garden/Columbarium Committee. However, anyone is welcome to visit the Prayer Garden to remember, meditate and pray. The space is open to any and all seeking solace and peace.