Youth transforming the World through God
Strengthening the journey with Christ
Youth Programming
Faith Confirmation
As children mature, so do their questions and expectations of God and their church family. For three years, kids from 6th to 8th grade go deep into what it means to be a Christian and ultimately confirm their faith before God and the Church.
Youth Group
Designed for high schoolers, Youth Group is your teenager’s lifeline to God and growing in faith. Mission trips, serving in the church and growing each other’s faith are central to the group.
Youth Mentoring
Each child, kid and youth is prayed for by adults within the church. PrayerPals pray and mentor our youngest children to 5th graders. Next, 6th to 8th graders shift to having a Caring Adult mentor to be a spiritual advisor. And finally, high school students are mentored weekly by two, college-age counselors to help navigate their spiritual journeys.
Hear my prayer, Lord; let my cry for help come to you. Do not hide your face from me when I am in distress. Turn your ear to me; when I call, answer me quickly. - Psalm 102: 1-2
Got a Question?
This is just a sample of what we offer youth as they are formed and molded by God. Ask on Sunday morning or click the button below to have you questions answered.